Specialized Excellence
Trusted Thoracic Care
Dedicated specialists and a trusted team for superior care.
Personalized Surgical Plans
Tailored strategies to minimize functional loss.
Advanced Surgical Skills
Mastery in single-port and robotic thoracic procedures.
Extensive Clinical Expertise
Skilled in treating lung and mediastinal conditions.
Patient-Centered Safety
Tailored care to minimize risks and surgical impact.
Postoperative Monitoring
Ongoing care to ensure no recurrence.
Thoracic Surgeon
Lung surgery is complex, demanding advanced techniques and a skilled thoracic surgeon for the best results.
Single-Port Lung Tumor Surgery|Single-Port Robotic Lung Surgery|Single-Port Mediastinal Surgery|Injection Port Placement|Ground-Glass Opacity Management
- Thoracic Surgeon, Linkou Chang Gung
- Associate Professor, Chang Gung University
- Associate Professor, Chang Gung Hospital
- Instructor, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Association
- Instructor, Thoracic Surgery Association
Thoracic Booking
Chang GungTaoyuan
- Address:No. 123, Dinghu Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City
- Call to Book:03-3196200
- Clinic Hours:Thu. 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
- Book Now:Taoyuan Chang Gung Thoracic Surgery
Chang GungLinkou
- Address:No. 5, Fuxing St., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City
- Call to Book:03-3281200
- Clinic Hours:Fri. 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Book Now:Linkou Chang Gung Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic Surgeries
SERVICETiming for Thoracic Care
Thoracic symptoms are often non-specific, making diagnosis challenging.
Here’s a quick guide to common signs.
Lung Tumors
Small lung tumors often go unnoticed, as they typically do not cause symptoms unless they affect critical thoracic structures or spread to other parts of the body.
If a lung tumor compresses vital thoracic structures or spreads to other areas, symptoms may include shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing up blood.
If these symptoms occur, seek prompt medical attention to confirm the tumor’s nature and plan treatment.
Esophageal Tumors
Symptoms depend on tumor compression, causing difficulty swallowing and weight loss as it worsens.
If these symptoms occur, further evaluation with chest CT, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, or esophagography is recommended to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant and to plan appropriate treatment.
Esophageal Disorders
If you experience difficulty swallowing, a sensation of food being stuck, pain when swallowing, weight loss, or frequent regurgitation of undigested food, seek immediate evaluation at a thoracic surgery clinic.
Mediastinal Tumors
When mediastinal tumors cause compression or severe local invasion, symptoms like wheezing, limb swelling, drooping eyelids, coughing, or anemia may occur.
Consult a thoracic surgeon promptly for further evaluation.
Air leaks from the lungs, causing pressure buildup and lung collapse.
Symptoms include chest tightness, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat.
It is common in tall, thin young men or patients with COPD. High-risk patients should seek evaluation promptly.
Empyema is pus in the chest cavity, often due to untreated lung infections.
Symptoms include fever, chest tightness, and pain. Seek medical attention if symptoms follow a recent respiratory infection.
Lung Abscess
A lung abscess is caused by infection leading to tissue necrosis and pus buildup.
Symptoms include productive cough, blood in sputum, and fever. If it ruptures into the pleural cavity causing empyema, chest tightness and pain may occur.
Seek medical evaluation for diagnosis and treatment.
Pleural and Pericardial Effusion
Pleural effusion compresses the lungs, causing collapse and shortness of breath.
Pericardial effusion can obstruct blood flow, causing shortness of breath, low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate. Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.
Thoracic Surgery Process
Disease Evaluation
Assess disease severity with imaging tests.
Preoperative Assessment
Confirm tumor location and plan surgery.
Thoracic Surgery
Perform surgery with minimal tissue damage.
Post-Surgical Care
Monitor recovery and pathology results.
Follow-up Care
Plan and compare follow-up care based on imaging.
Lung Tumor Surgery Q&A
Thoracic surgery covers the treatment of lung, trachea, esophagus, pleural cavity, mediastinum, and chest wall conditions.
What do you need to know?
What are the surgical options for lung cancer?
Most are performed via single-port thoracoscopy, with robotic assistance for precision.
Surgeons can also perform these procedures using robotic arms through a single incision.
Clinical vs. Pathological Staging
Clinical staging uses imaging, but may underestimate small or low-metabolism tumors.
Pathological staging is based on tissue examination, offering a more accurate assessment.
Around 10% of patients may receive a different treatment plan due to more severe pathological findings.
How is lung cancer treated?
Treatment depends on tumor staging.
For tumors limited to one lung lobe or nearby lymph nodes, surgery with preoperative therapy is recommended.
If the tumor has spread beyond the same side of the chest, systemic treatments like targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy are used.
Lung tumor surgery risks? Any other options?
Surgery is the best option for malignant tumors with good heart and lung function.
If the tumor is benign or biopsy results are unclear, further biopsy or regular imaging follow-up for 2-3 years may be considered.
Is a ground-glass opacity always malignant?
Ground-glass opacity (GGO) is a neutral term, indicating tissue density higher than surrounding lung tissue.
It does not necessarily mean malignancy. "Ground-glass" refers to the foggy appearance on CT, caused by varying radiation penetration in GGO and normal lung tissue.
What is an implantable injection port?
An implantable injection port provides easy vascular access for repeated treatments, reducing puncture frequency and improving comfort, especially for chemotherapy patients.
It is placed in the superior vena cava to minimize clot risk.
What are implantable injection ports and their limits?
Implantable injection ports are classified into high-pressure and standard types.
High-pressure ports are used for tumor treatment and imaging contrast injections, while standard ports are used only for tumor treatments.
Non-traumatic needles must be used to avoid damaging the port. After procedures like blood draws, blood transfusions, or IV nutrition, thorough flushing is necessary to prevent blockage or infection. Long-term infusions require close monitoring of the puncture site to avoid infection.
Is implantable injection port placement surgery safe?
The procedure is a safe outpatient surgery with minimal complications.
Dr. Wu's protocol reduces pneumothorax risks and the need for neck vein puncture. Mobile X-ray and ultrasound guidance ensure accurate placement and reduce infection and displacement risks.
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Dr. Wu’s Expertise
- 2011 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery New Scholar Award
- 2012 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery President’s Award
- 2014 Taiwan Vascular Surgery Smart Award
- 2015 Taiwan Vascular Surgery Smart Award
- 2016 AATS Graham Award
- 2020 Taiwan Thoracic & Critical Care Medicine Best Paper
- 2021 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery President’s Award
- 2023 Global Injection Port Consensus Conference