Lung GGO Insights
Lung GGO describes a lesion with higher tissue density, appearing as grayish areas on CT scans.
It’s not always lung cancer; it can also result from inflammation, fibrosis, or benign tumors.
Lung cancer is just one possible cause.
Whether surgery is needed depends on a thoracic surgeon’s professional evaluation of the lesion’s size and density.
- Thoracic Surgeon, Linkou Chang Gung
- Associate Professor, Chang Gung University
- Associate Professor, Chang Gung Hospital
- Instructor, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Association
- Instructor, Thoracic Surgery Association
Clinical Experience
SERVICEKey Facts About GGO
Lung GGO can be worrying, but early treatment and regular follow-ups can effectively manage it.
Here are key insights about GGO, explained by Dr. Wu:
Key Factors for GGO Surgery
Whether lung GGO requires surgery depends on its size and density.
Medical consensus recommends active treatment for GGOs larger than 0.7–0.8 cm.
For GGOs between 0.5–0.7 cm, density becomes the deciding factor.
CT imaging evaluates density, with a lesion considered high-density if the ratio of its solid component diameter to total diameter exceeds 50%.
Patients with a family history of lung cancer or a smoking history are also advised to confirm the diagnosis through biopsy.
Non-Surgical GGO Management
If surgery is not immediately required, the thoracic surgeon will recommend regular CT imaging to monitor changes in the GGO:
a. <0.5 cm: Follow-up every 6–12 months
b. 0.5–0.7 cm, density <50%: Follow-up every 3–6 months
c. 0.5–0.7 cm, density >50%: Follow-up every 3 months
If the GGO remains stable for two years, annual follow-ups may be sufficient.
Consistent imaging settings (e.g., slice thickness) are advised for accurate comparisons.
GGO Diagnosis: CT-Guided Biopsy
There are 3 methods to diagnose lung GGO, depending on its location and density.
CT-guided biopsy uses real-time imaging to target and sample the lesion.
For small lesions or those deep in the lung, near fissures, or close to major blood vessels, results may be inconclusive, requiring alternative diagnostic methods.
Possible complications include pneumothorax, hemothorax, or air embolism if the lesion is near blood vessels.
Preoperative imaging can help minimize these risks.
GGO Diagnosis: Bronchoscopic Biopsy
Bronchoscopic biopsy uses a bronchoscope or ultrasound guidance to sample GGO tissue.
This method is limited to lesions within or near the bronchial tree or adjacent lymph nodes.
GGO Diagnosis: Surgical Biopsy
Surgical biopsy is performed when a GGO is highly suspected to be malignant, with no other suspicious lesions and the patient is fit for curative resection.
This approach allows for a definitive diagnosis while enabling immediate treatment if malignancy is confirmed through intraoperative frozen biopsy, reducing the need for multiple procedures.
High-Risk Malignant GGO
Thoracic surgeons first perform a thoracoscopic biopsy of the GGO.
If intraoperative frozen biopsy confirms malignancy, curative resection is conducted through a single-port thoracoscopy, based on preoperative imaging and the patient’s heart and lung function.
GGO Surgery Process
GGO Imaging Diagnosis
Use CT-guided biopsy to assess GGO size and severity.
GGO Surgery Planning
Plan surgery based on GGO size and location.
GGO Surgery Execution
Remove GGO with minimal functional impact.
GGO Margin Assessment
Check for air leaks and place a chest drain.
GGO Follow-Up Plan
Create a follow-up plan with imaging comparisons.
Lung GGO Q&A
Top Questions About Lung GGO, Answered!
What if a Lung GGO is Diagnosed as Malignant?
If a GGO is confirmed malignant through CT or bronchoscopic biopsy, a thoracic surgeon will arrange PET scans and brain MRIs.
These tests assess the severity, including tumor size, lymph node involvement, and possible metastasis, to determine if curative surgery is viable.
What is the Surgical Process for Malignant GGO?
If a GGO is suitable for curative resection, preoperative evaluations assess heart and lung function to determine the resectable lung volume without impairing function.
The surgery is planned to minimize harm, with preoperative CT simulations and tumor localization ensuring safety.
For malignant GGOs, mediastinal lymph node dissection is performed during surgery.
Is Follow-Up Needed After GGO Surgery?
Yes, follow-up is typically required to monitor recovery.
The exact plan depends on the final pathology results.
Discuss with your doctor to ensure optimal post-surgery care.
Lung Tumor Surgery Risks and Alternatives?
Surgery is the best option for malignant tumors if heart and lung function allow for complete resection.
If the biopsy is inconclusive or the tumor is benign, further biopsy or regular imaging follow-up for 2–3 years may be considered.
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Dr. Wu’s Expertise
- 2011 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery New Scholar Award
- 2012 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery President’s Award
- 2014 Taiwan Vascular Surgery Smart Award
- 2015 Taiwan Vascular Surgery Smart Award
- 2016 AATS Graham Award
- 2020 Taiwan Thoracic & Critical Care Medicine Best Paper
- 2021 Taiwan Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery President’s Award
- 2023 Global Injection Port Consensus Conference